- n. 優勢;利益;有利條件
- vi. 獲利
- vt. 有利于;使處于優勢
- advantage
- advantage: [14] Advantage comes from Old French avantage, which was based on avant ‘before’; the notion behind its formation was of being ahead of others, and hence in a superior position. As with advance, the intrusive -dbecame established in the 16th century, on the analogy of words genuinely containing the Latin prefix ad-. The reduced form vantage actually predates advantage in English, having entered the language via Anglo-Norman in the 13th century.
- advantage (n.)
- early 14c., avantage, "position of being in advance of another," from Old French avantage "advantage, profit, superiority," from avant "before," probably via an unrecorded Late Latin *abantaticum, from Latin abante (see advance).
The -d- is a 16c. intrusion on the analogy of Latin ad- words. Meaning "a favoring circumstance" (the opposite of disadvantage) is from late 15c. Tennis score sense is from 1640s, first recorded in writings of John Milton, of all people. Phrase to take advantage of is first attested late 14c.
- 1. I want to take advantage of your lifetime of scholarship.
- 我希望能夠用到您一生的學識。
- 2. She took advantage of him even after they were divorced.
- 甚至在他們離婚后,她還在占他的便宜。
- 3. The government have not been able to turn today'sdemonstration to their advantage.
- 政府未能把今天的游行示威轉為己用。
- 4. The advantage in going faster is that you get there quicker.
- 快點走的好處在于,你可以早點到達那里。
- 5. You may wish to take advantage of our instructional session.
- 你應該充分利用我們的教學課程。