- n. 保護;庇護;支持;贊助
來自詞根aig, 羊,同amnion, 羊膜。希臘神話中天神宙斯由母山羊養大,為答謝母山羊養育之恩,宙斯賦予其神力。由此母山羊皮制成的盾堅固無比,此盾后送給雅典娜。
- aegis
- aegis: [18] The notion of ‘protection’ contained in this word goes back to classical mythology, in which one of the functions or attributes of the Greek god Zeus (and later of Roman Jupiter or Minerva) was the giving of protection. This was usually represented visually as a shield, traditionally held to be made of goatskin – hence Greek aigís, the name of the shield, came to be associated in the popular imagination with aix (aig- in its stem form), the Greek word for ‘goat’. English borrowed the word directly from Latin.
- aegis (n.)
- "protection," 1793, from Latin aegis, from Greek Aigis, the name of the shield of Zeus, said by Herodotus to be related to aix (genitive aigos) "goat," from PIE *aig- "goat" (cognates: Sanskrit ajah, Lithuanian ozys "he-goat"), as the shield was of goatskin. Athene's aigis was a short goat-skin cloak, covered with scales, set with a gorgon's head, and fringed with snakes. The exact use and purpose of it is not now clear.
The goatskin would be worn with the two forelegs tied in front of the wearer's breast, or possibly with the head passed through an opening made at the neck, by the removal of the animal's head. [F. Warre Cornish, ed., "Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities," London, 1898]
- 1. The space programme will continue under the aegis of the armed forces.
- 這項太空計劃將以武裝部隊作后盾繼續進行。
- 2. Simulation experiments are used to verify the validity of Aegis.
- 通過仿真實驗,驗證了aegis的有效性.
- 3. She went to Sheffield University as a lecturer, under the aegis of Boris Ford.
- 在鮑里斯·福特的支持下,她去了謝菲爾德大學講課。
- 4. A child whose welfare is now under the aegis of the courts.
- 兒童福利現在處于法庭的保護之下。
- 5. A conference under the aegis of the United Nations.
- 一個聯合國主辦的會議.