- n. 年鑒;歷書;年歷
2. 很多來自阿拉伯語的借詞都是以al-開頭的,它相當于英語里德定冠詞the,如:alcohol, algebra, etc.
3. 為了便于理解記憶,可以如下拆解單詞:al-(阿拉伯語前綴) + man-(men-"month"的變體) + -ac/-ack(阿拉伯語、希臘語、拉丁語中會見到的一種后綴);由此表示與“月歷”相關的事物,進一步將其與“歷書、年鑒”聯系起來。
阿拉伯語。al, 定冠詞。-man, 同moon,月,此處指年。
- almanac
- almanac: [14] One of the first recorded uses of almanac in English is by Chaucer in his Treatise on the astrolabe 1391: ‘A table of the verray Moeuyng of the Mone from howre to howre, every day and in every signe, after thin Almenak’. At that time an almanac was specifically a table of the movements and positions of the sun, moon, and planets, from which astronomical calculations could be made; other refinements and additions, such as a calendar, came to be included over succeeding centuries.
The earliest authenticated reference to an almanac comes in the (Latin) works of the English scientist Roger Bacon, in the mid 13th century. But the ultimate source of the word is obscure. Its first syllable, al-, and its general relevance to medieval science and technology, strongly suggest an Arabic origin, but no convincing candidate has been found. - almanac (n.)
- late 14c., attested in Anglo-Latin from mid-13c., via Old French almanach or Medieval Latin almanachus, which is of uncertain origin. It is sometimes said to be from a Spanish-Arabic al-manakh "calendar, almanac," but possibly ultimately from Late Greek almenichiakon "calendar," which is said to be of Coptic origin.
This word has been the subject of much speculation. Originally a book of permanent tables of astronomical data; one-year versions, combined with ecclesiastical calendars, date from 16c.; "astrological and weather predictions appear in 16-17th c.; the 'useful statistics' are a modern feature" [OED].
- 1. He would resume pacing the courtyard and reading the almanac.
- 于是他又捧了那本歷書,在廊下徘徊起來.
來自漢英文學 - 中國現代小說
- 2. His speeches are generalities from Poor Richard's Almanac.
- 他的演講是出自老皇歷的老生常談.
- 3. A nautical almanac gives information about the sun, moon, tides, etc.
- 航海年歷中有日 、 月 、 潮汐等的資料.
- 4. Joe sent away for a free almanac.
- 喬寫信去要一份免費贈閱的年歷.
- 5. And then the almanac lied, and said that spring had come.
- 日歷牌撒謊, 說是春天已經來到了.