- n. 旅;大部隊;隊列
- vt. 把…編成旅;把…編成隊
來自詞根brig, 爭斗,擊打。軍事用語指旅,普通用語指幫派。
- brigade
- brigade: [17] Brigade is one of a small set of words (others are brigand and brigantine) which go back to Italian briga ‘strife’. It is not clear where this came from; theories have centred either on a Celtic origin, comparing Old Irish brig ‘strength’, or on a derivation from the Indo- European base *bhreg-, which produced English break.
Either way, the noun briga produced the verb brigare ‘contend, brawl’, from which in turn came the noun brigata. This originally meant simply ‘crowd or gang of people’, but soon developed the special sense ‘military company’. English acquired the word via French brigade. Meanwhile, the present participle of the Italian verb had given brigante, which English borrowed via Old French as brigand [14], and the diminutive brigantino ‘fighting ship’, source of English brigantine [16] (abbreviated in the 18th century to brig). Brigadier is a 17th-century adoption, from French.
=> brig, brigand, brigantine - brigade (n.)
- "subdivision of an army," 1630s, from French brigade "body of soldiers" (14c.), from Italian brigata "troop, crowd, gang," from brigare "brawl, fight," from briga "strife, quarrel," perhaps of Celtic (compare Gaelic brigh, Welsh bri "power") or Germanic origin.
- 1. We gave the gate money to the St John Ambulance brigade.
- 我們將門票收入都捐給了圣約翰急救隊。
- 2. A third brigade is at sea, ready for an amphibious assault.
- 還有一個旅已在海上待命,準備兩棲進攻。
- 3. The fire brigade should always be called out to a house fire.
- 一旦房屋失火,就應該馬上叫消防隊來。
- 4. Get everyone out and call the fire brigade.
- 把所有人疏散出去,打電話叫消防隊。
- 5. Bob ordered brigade HQ to embark.
- 鮑勃命令旅指揮部登船。