- n. 雕像,肖像
ef-, 向外。-fig, 形成,形象,詞源同figure, fiction. 引申義雕像,小雕像。
- effigy
- effigy: [16] Effigy comes ultimately from the Latin verb effingere ‘form, portray’. This was a compound formed from the prefix ex- ‘out’ and fingere ‘make, shape’ (source of English faint, feign, fiction, figment, and related to English dairy and dough). It formed the basis of the noun effigiēs ‘representation, likeness, portrait’, which was borrowed into English in the 16th century as effigies: ‘If that you were the good Sir Rowland’s son, as you have whisper’d faithfully you were, and as mine eye doth his effigies witness most truly limn’d and living in your face, be truly welcome hither’, Shakespeare, As you like it 1600.
By the 18th century, however, this had come to be regarded as a plural form, and so a new singular, effigy, was created.
=> dairy, dough, faint, fiction, figment - effigy (n.)
- "image of a person," 1530s, from Middle French effigie (13c.), from Latin effigies "copy or imitation of something, likeness, image, statue," from or related to effingere "to mold, fashion, portray," from ex- "out" (see ex-) + fingere "to form, shape" (see fiction). The Latin word was regarded as plural and the -s was lopped off by 18c. Especially figures made of stuffed clothing; the burning or hanging of them is attested by 1670s. Formerly done by judicial authorities as symbolic punishment of criminals who had escaped their jurisdiction; later a popular expression against persons deemed obnoxious. Related: Effigial.
- 1. The king was burned in effigy by the angry mob.
- 國王的模擬像被憤怒的民眾燒掉以泄心中的憤恨.
- 2. Burn a person in effigy.
- 焚燒某人的肖像以泄恨.
- 3. There the effigy stands, and stares from age to age across the changing ocean.
- 雕像依然聳立在那兒, 千秋萬載地凝視著那變幻無常的大海.
- 4. The deposed dictator was burned in effigy by the crowd.
- 群眾焚燒退位獨裁者的模擬像.
- 5. This effigy is decorated with old newspapers and firecrackers.
- 通常,人們用舊報紙和爆竹裝扮稻草人.