- vt. 開發,開拓;剝削;開采
- n. 勛績;功績
ex-, 向外。-ploit, 卷,詞源同imply, implicate. 即展開,結果,功績。后在19世紀初由于法國空想社會主義者,尤其是圣西門用該詞指剝削,壓榨,使得這一詞義廣泛傳播。
- exploit
- exploit: [14] Latin explicāre (source of English explicate and explicit) meant ‘unfold’. A Vulgar Latin descendant of its past participle was *explictum ‘something unfolded’, which passed into Old French as exploit or esplait. In the process, the original sense of ‘unfolding’ had developed through ‘bringing out, development’ and ‘advantage, success’ to ‘achievement’.
In the case of the English noun, it is the latter meaning which has survived, and in fact originally the verb too denoted ‘achieve, accomplish’. This seems to have died out in the 18th century, however, and when the verb reappears in the 19th century it is closer to the earlier ‘develop’ in meaning, particularly as applied to ‘getting the most out of’ natural resources. The modern derogatory sense ‘use for one’s own selfish ends’ emerged from this.
=> explicit, fold, ply - exploit (n.)
- late 14c., "outcome of an action," from Old French esploit "a carrying out; achievement, result; gain, advantage" (12c., Modern French exploit), a very common word, used in senses of "action, deed, profit, achievement," from Latin explicitum "a thing settled, ended, or displayed," noun use of neuter of explicitus, past participle of explicare "unfold, unroll, disentangle" (see explicit).
Meaning "feat, achievement" is c. 1400. Sense evolution is from "unfolding" to "bringing out" to "having advantage" to "achievement." Related: Exploits. - exploit (v.)
- c. 1400, espleiten, esploiten "to accomplish, achieve, fulfill," from Old French esploitier, espleiter "carry out, perform, accomplish," from esploit (see exploit (n.)). The sense of "use selfishly" first recorded 1838, from a sense development in French perhaps from use of the word with reference to mines, etc. (compare exploitation). Related: Exploited; exploiting.
- 1. I even began to exploit him in subtle ways.
- 我甚至開始巧妙地利用他。
- 2. What the media should not do is to exploit people's natural fears.
- 媒體不應該利用人們天生的恐懼心理。
- 3. Cary is hoping to exploit new opportunities in Europe.
- 卡里希望好好利用歐洲的新機遇。
- 4. You'll need a good aerial to exploit the radio's performance.
- 你需要弄個好天線來發揮廣播的性能。
- 5. Many countries exploit oil under the sea.
- 許多國家在海底開采石油.