- adj. 高尚的;壯麗的;華麗的;宏偉的
- The Taj Mahal is a magnificent building.
- 泰姬陵是一座宏偉的建筑。
- She looked magnificent in her wedding dress.
- 她穿著婚紗,看上去漂亮極了。
- You've all done a magnificent job.
- 你們活兒干得都很出色。
- [不可數名詞]the magnificence of the scenery
- 景色壯觀
- The public have responded magnificently to our appeal.
- 對于我們的呼吁,公眾的反響極為熱烈。
- ...a magnificent country house in wooded grounds.
- 綠樹掩映中的一幢鄉間豪宅
- ...magnificent views over the San Fernando Valley...
- 圣費爾南多河谷的壯麗美景
- She watched the magnificent waterfall cascade down the mountainside.
- 她看著壯觀的瀑布從山坡上傾瀉而下.
- It was magnificent of you.
- 你真了不起.
- The frescoes in these churches are magnificent.
- 這些教堂里的壁畫富麗堂皇.
- We visited the magnificent cathedral.
- 我們參觀了宏偉的教堂.
- When we reached the top of the hill, a magnificent view of the sea greeted us.
- 當我們抵達山頂時, 一片壯麗的海景映入眼簾.
- The visitors broke into exclamations of wonder when they saw the magnificent Great Wall.
- 看到雄偉的長城,游客們驚嘆不已.
- This palace is magnificent.
- 這座宮殿金碧輝煌.
- The costumes in the film are very magnificent.
- 那部影片中的服裝非常華麗.
- These magnificent ancient buildings demonstrate the great intelligence of the labouring people.
- 這些壯麗的古代建筑顯示了勞動人民的高度智慧.
- What magnificent northern scenery!
- 好一派北國風光!
- As we climbed to the top of the hill, a magnificent view opened out before us.
- 我們登到山頂時, 一片壯麗的景色展現在我們眼前.
- The new hotel is a magnificent building.
- 新建的飯店是座富麗堂皇的建筑.
- He is magnificent in physique.
- 他體格強健.
- The mountain looks magnificent against the sky.
- 在藍天的襯托下,這座山顯得雄偉壯麗.
- The Parthenon is a magnificent structure.
- 帕臺農神廟是一座宏偉的建物.
- The view of the West Lake is magnificent.
- 西湖景色瑰麗.
- The Taj Mahal is a magnificent building.
- 泰姬陵是一座宏偉的建筑。
- At 54 years old her energy and looks are magnificent.
- 她54歲了,精力和氣色都非常好。
- Originally released in 1957, the film was remade as "The Magnificent Seven".
- 這部電影最早在1957年上映,后被翻拍為《七俠蕩寇志》。
- The results are nothing short of magnificent.
- 結果非常不錯。