- n. 英雄;男主角,男主人公
- my childhood hero
- 我孩提時的偶像
- The hero of the novel is a ten-year old boy.
- 這部小說的主人公是個十歲的男孩。
- one of the country's national heroes
- 這個國家的一位民族英雄
- The Olympic team were given a hero's welcome on their return home.
- 奧運代表隊回國時受到了英雄般的歡迎。
- a war hero (= sb who was very brave during a war)
- 戰斗英雄
- No matter, he remained the hero of the crowds.
- 不要緊,他仍是眾人心目中的英雄。
- My boyhood hero was Bobby Charlton...
- 我童年時代的偶像是博比·查爾頓。
- ...the goalscoring hero of the British hockey team...
- 英國曲棍球隊的得分英雄
- He called Mr Mandela a hero who had inspired millions.
- 他稱曼德拉先生為鼓舞了數百萬民眾的英雄。
- ...the author's decision to make his hero a photographer.
- 作者將男主角設計成一名攝影師的決定
- The hero of Doctor Zhivago dies in 1929.
- 《日瓦戈醫生》的男主角于1929年去世。
- One said he could not see anything except the blue of the sky.
- 其中一個說除了藍色的天空,他不看到任何東西.
- The war hero received many medals for bravery.
- 戰斗英雄獲得許多勇敢勛章.
- After all a hero is human.
- 英雄畢竟也是人.
- He was acclaimed hero of the country.
- 他被贊為國家的英雄.
- He is worthy of the title of labour hero.
- 勞動英雄的稱號,他當之無愧.
- Odysseus was a legendary Greek hero.
- 奧狄修斯是傳說中的希臘英雄.
- The character of the hero is depicted to a nicety.
- 男主人公的性格刻畫得非常細膩.
- Bob is the hero of the novel.
- 鮑勃是那小說中的男主人公.
- A helmsman is tested in a rough sea; a hero is distinguished in difficult circumstances.
- 風浪里試舵手, 困難中識英雄.
- He is the hero of Greek mythology.
- 他是希臘民間傳說中的英雄.
- The writer finely images the hero.
- 作者非常細致地描述書中的英雄.
- The audience rose bodily to cheer the hero.
- 聽眾全體起立向那位英雄歡呼致意.
- The author projects his own thoughts and feelings into the personality of the hero of his play.
- 作者把自己的思想感情寄托在劇中主人翁身上.
- A reporter interviewed the combat hero.
- 記者訪問了這位戰斗英雄.
- Danger didn't daunt the hero.
- 危險并沒有嚇住那英雄.
- I see in him the making of a hero.
- 我看他有英雄的氣質.
- A hero is never put off by difficulties.
- 困難難不倒英雄漢.
- Everyone played brilliantly, but Jones was the hero of the hour.
- 每個人都表現得很精彩,但瓊斯無疑是當時的英雄.
- The story of the hero opened up a new world to me.
- 這位英雄的事跡使我大開眼界.