- n. 大理石;大理石制品;彈珠
- adj. 大理石的;冷酷無情的
- n. (Marble)人名;(英)馬布爾
- a slab/block of marble
- 一塊大理石板
- a marble floor/sculpture
- 大理石地板 / 雕刻
- Three boys were playing marbles.
- 三個男孩兒在玩彈子游戲。
- He's losing his marbles (= he's not behaving in a sensible way) .
- 他失去理智了。
- The house has a superb staircase made from oak and marble...
- 這座房子的樓梯堪稱一流,是由橡木與大理石制成的。
- The entrance-hall was paved with black and white marble tiles.
- 玄關處的大廳鋪著黑白相間的大理石地磚。
- ...marbles and bronzes from the Golden Age of Athens.
- 雅典黃金時代的大理石雕像與銅像
- On the far side of the street, two boys were playing marbles.
- 在街道的那一邊,兩個男孩在玩彈子游戲。
- I'll tell it to you, although you'll probably think I've lost my marbles.
- 就算你也許會以為我瘋了,我也要把它告訴你。
- Underground coal, iron, sulfur, aluminum and marble, granite, mineral water and so on.
- 地下有煤 、 鐵 、 硫 、 鋁及大理石 、 花崗巖 、 礦泉水等.
- By synthesizing DCPD, a new adhesive for marble was made.
- 通過合成雙環戊二烯型不飽和聚酯樹脂, 制備出一種新形石材專用膠粘劑.
- The workmen quarried out a huge block of marble.
- 工人們從采石場采得一塊很大的大理石.
- The lower story of the building was cased with marble.
- 大樓底層的外墻砌上了一層大理石.
- It is difficult to engrave in marble.
- 在大理石上雕刻是困難的.
- The statue was carved out of marble.
- 這尊像是大理石雕成的.
- The walls were decorated by incrustation with marble.
- 墻上鑲嵌著大理石的裝飾面.
- A wooden building painted to look like marble is meretricious.
- 一座漆得像大理石般的木制建筑物外表是美麗的.
- This marble ramp weighs one ton.
- 這個大理石臺階重一噸.
- There is a marble statue on the corner of the street.
- 街的拐角處就有一大理石雕塑.
- He chiselled an inscription on the marble.
- 他在大理石上刻碑文.
- The dome was supported by white marble columns.
- 圓頂由白色大理石柱支撐著.
- The floor is of marble.
- 這地面是大理石的.
- Marble is a precious stone.
- 大理石是一種珍貴的石料.
- He carved marble faster than any mason.
- 他雕刻大理石的速度比任何石匠都快.
- Imported marble will front the building.
- 這建筑物的正面將用進口的大理石來裝飾.
- The rivers and brooks reticulated the broad plains of the valley, as thickly as veins in marble.
- 在這山谷的廣大平原上河流織成了網狀, 密密麻麻如同大理石上的紋.
- In spite of her age there were no lines on her marble forehead.
- 在她這個年齡,平滑的前額卻沒有出現皺紋.
- These steps are made of marble.
- 這些臺階是大理石的.