- n. 疾病;嘔吐;弊病
- She's been off work because of sickness.
- 她因病沒有上班。
- insurance against sickness and unemployment
- 疾病和失業保險
- altitude/travel/radiation, etc. sickness
- 高原病、旅行眩暈、輻射病等
- symptoms include sickness and diarrhoea
- 癥狀包括嘔吐和腹瀉
- The sickness passed off after a while.
- 過了一會兒,就不覺得惡心了。
- In fifty-two years of working he had one week of sickness...
- 在52 年的工作中他僅病過一周。
- There appears to be another outbreak of sickness among seals in the North Sea.
- 看來北海的海豹又要爆發另一場疾病了。
- He felt a great rush of sickness...
- 他忽然覺得非常想吐。
- After a while, the sickness gradually passed and she struggled to the mirror.
- 過了一會兒,她漸漸不那么惡心了,掙扎著到了鏡子前。
- ...radiation sickness.
- 輻射病
- He is seized with a painful sickness.
- 他得了一種痛苦的疾病.
- Sickness excused him from coming.
- 患病是他不來的理由.
- The boy refuses to go to school on [ under ] the pretext of illness [ an ailment, sickness ].
- 這孩子裝病不去 上學.
- Sickness was rampant in the rural areas of this country.
- 這個國家的農村地區疾病流行.
- He received the news of his father's sickness with great anxiety.
- 他得知父親生病的消息時焦急萬分.
- He put up a good fight against his sickness.
- 他同疾病作頑強的斗爭.
- Sickness often prostrates people.
- 疾病常使人們衰弱.
- They were disabled by age or sickness.
- 他們因年老或疾病而失去了工作的能力.
- Don't hide your sickness for fear of treatment.
- 絕不要諱疾忌醫.
- Sickness often results from eating too much.
- 嘔吐常因飲食過量所致.
- To help comrades who have made mistakes, we should adopt the approach of " curing the sickness to save the patient ".
- 要以“治病救人 ” 的態度幫助犯錯誤的同志.
- By the side of sickness health becomes sweet.
- 與疾病相比,健康才顯得可愛.
- Sickness has fastened on him.
- 他病魔纏身.
- He didn't attend that meeting under the pretext of sickness.
- 他以生病為借口,沒參加那個會議.
- Sickness is a legitimate reason for asking for leave.
- 生病是請假的一個正當的理由.