- pron. 那;那個
- adv. 那么;那樣
- conj. 因為;以至于
- adj. 那;那個
- n. (That)人名;(德)塔特
來自古英語 thaet,那,那個,來自 Proto-Germanic*that,那,那個,來自 PIE*tod,指示代詞, 擴展自 PIE*to,指示代詞,詞源同 the,they.詞義演變比較同源詞 here,he.
- that
- that: [OE] That is a very ancient word, going right back to prehistoric Indo-European *tad (source also of Greek tó ‘the’ and Russian tot’, ta, to ‘that’). Its original function in English was as the neuter form of a demonstrative pronoun. This came to be used as the definite article (modern English the), but as the grammatical gender system began to break down in the early Middle English period, that broke away from the definite article and began to be used as a demonstrative adjective. Its use as a relative pronoun goes back to the Old English period.
=> the - that (pron.)
- Old English t?t, "that, so that, after that," neuter singular demonstrative pronoun ("A Man's a Man for a' that"), relative pronoun ("O thou that hearest prayer"), and
demonstrative adjective ("Look at that caveman go!"), corresponding to masc. se, fem. seo. From Proto-Germanic *that, from PIE *tod-, extended form of demonstrative pronominal base *-to- (see -th (1)). With the breakdown of the grammatical gender system, it came to be used in Middle English and Modern English for all genders. Germanic cognates include Old Saxon that, Old Frisian thet, Middle Dutch, Dutch dat "that," German der, die, das "the."
Generally more specific or emphatic than the, but in some cases they are interchangeable. From c. 1200 opposed to this as indicating something farther off. In adverbial use ("I'm that old"), in reference to something implied or previously said, c. 1200, an abbreviation of the notion of "to that extent," "to that degree." Slang that way "in love" first recorded 1929. That-a-way "in that direction" is recorded from 1839. "Take that!" said while delivering a blow, is recorded from early 15c.
- 1. A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway.
- 奇跡就是看似不可能,卻發生了。
- 2. If you wait, all that happens is that you get older.
- 如果你等待,發生的只有變老。
來自金山詞霸 每日一句
- 3. When life gets hard and you want to give up, remember that life is full of ups and downs, and without the downs, the ups would mean nothing.
- 當生活很艱難,你想要放棄的時候,請記住,生活充滿了起起落落,如果沒有低谷,那站在高處也失去了意義。
- 4. Eventually, you'll learn to cry that on the inside.
- 終有一天,你會學會讓淚往心里流。
- 5. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.--Winston Churchill
- 成功不是終點,失敗也并非末日,最重要的是繼續前進的勇氣。
來自金山詞霸 每日一句